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RMIT Student Charter

6 Oct

The amendments I have made to the student charter are in purple (the original being in black). Whilst the circled sections are the parts I believe to be fundamental to the attitude towards education. The first four words I have changed from being:

Be fully committed to your own learning, the decision you take in relation to it, and the challenges involved” 

Although the formality of the language is probably more suited to a student charter, I think it overcomplicates and distances the student in its wordiness. Four simple words:

“Own what you do”

Captures the reader immediately and plants a seed that sprouts a multitude of connotations and sub-meanings. So that ‘Own what you do’ is a statement of:

  • Empowerment (it is your work alone)
  • Responsibility (it is up to you to make it happen)
  • Liberation (no one is forcing you to do anything)
  • Flexibility (you’re not a slave to institutionalised education, it is a tool to aid your future and growth as a person)
  • Inspiring (do great things with the opportunities afforded you. Own it!)

I like this more simplistic approach, and in fact, why not have a student charter that consists of those four words only! Because essentially, all the other key aspects – valuing and respecting diversity and other people, being innovative, respecting rules and practices, working hard, helping others with feedback, being open – stem from that one truth! This is your education, and it is for you alone. In the end, no one can tell you what you should do or how you should do it, or what you should do with it!

Now yes, don’t tell me…you’ve been saying


Quite a lot. Yes yes, this generation; consumerists, materialists, capitalists, self-indulgent-ists, narcissists, facebookists, the-world-revolves-around-me-and-owes-me-something-ists. BUT, there is another beautiful thing which I hope to accentuate in my ideal student charter, and that ladies and gentleman is COLLABORATION. Or:

valuing and embracing the diversity and differences of others

Not only embracing it and valuing it, but learning from it; drawing inspiration from it. And what a lovely demonstration of collaboration this googledoc is. A bunch of fellow students and friends conspiring against the formalities of an unalterable rigid charter…and ALTERING IT. That’s pretty cool. Collaboration. Collaborative editing. File sharing. Sharing experiences, skills, talents, education. Valuing and embracing it! Quite invaluable really. So don’t forget, that while your own education is…your own (so own it!)   The community of university students is also there to teach, encourage and support you…as you should do to them. As a great mate said about 2,012 years ago “Do to others, as you would have them do to you.” Amen. Preach it brother. Literally.